Exchange Protocol

1. Token Swap

Token swaps on Cougar Exchange are a simple way to trade one token for another via automated liquidity pools.

When you make a token swap (trade) on the exchange you will pay a 0.3% trading fee, which is broken down as follows:

0.25% - Returned to Liquidity Pools in the form of a fee reward for liquidity providers.

0.05% - Protocol fee used for buyback and burn CGX.

2. Liquidity Pools

When you add your token to a Liquidity Pool you will receive Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens and share in the fees.

3. Deflation mechanism

  • Trading Fee: 0.05% Used for buyback and burn.

  • Transfer tax: 0.5% Immediately burn.

  • Deposit Fee from Another Platform (E.g: MMF, VVS): 50% Deposit fee will be burned manually every 2 months.

Last updated