Frequently Asked
Can you help me to buy CGX?
Go to Cougar Swap Launchpad Protocol
Select the amount of CGX you want to swap for. Then click "Approve" and sign the transaction.
After the "Approve" transaction has been processed successfully, click "Swap" and sign the transaction.
You should see CGX in your wallet balance now after the swap transaction is successful. If you cannot find it in your wallet, add the CGX contract address to your wallet.
How does Cougar Exchange work?
At a TOP level, the Cougar Exchange protocol is owned liquidity, the bond mechanism (minting), and managed staking/farming rewards designed to generate supply expansion by the unique controlled emission rate. Our DApps contain a lot of profitable features for the protocol distributing them to holders. A lot of features will be implemented to maximize the profits of our investors.
Why is Launchpad Protocol?
As the protocol controls the funds and for greater guarantees can easily define the risk of your investment, we will accumulate the first stage of Cougar Exchange on one of the most reputable long-term projects that held incredible support from the community. Because of that, more funds are available in the AUM.
The Cougar Exchange protocol will be launched as a fairly new concept, whereby speculators will attempt to determine the fair value of the volatility. In the beginning, it is more or less guaranteed for the protocol sufficient liquidity, and as the protocol grows, we should see more value for holders. This is ultimately the most ideal as this means that the CGX investors now will be able to determine an investment value more fairly. CGX is supposed to be a long-term protocol that rewards the early holders at its core.
What happens if the Launchpad doesn't raise all the funds targeted?
The sale will proceed as normal, and all funds contributed will be spent accordingly to our official docs.
Last updated